Thanks to Hennepin County, a partnership of LHEC, Friends of Roberts Bird Sanctuary (FRBS), and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is planting over 55 trees in the Roberts Bird Sanctuary and around Lake Harriet this fall. The goals of the grant are to improve and expand the tree canopy in these areas by replacing invasive trees with native species that will help sustain biodiversity, improve water quality and reduce erosion while providing shade and beauty to be enjoyed by visitors.
The tree species chosen from Hennepin Co’s list are:
Allegheny Serviceberry Kentucky Coffeetree Swamp White Oak
Muscle Wood Red Oak Black Cherry
Eastern Redbud White Pine White Oak
Ironwood Shagbark Hickory Plum Eastern Cottonwood Wild Black cherry American Sycamore
Work has started on locating specific planting sites, purchasing supplies, making protective wire cages, and purchasing mulch, watering gators, stakes and rope.
Planting will begin on October 11th.